Earn Money Games Legit

It is always great to have money in your bank account. And in 2021, playing games online are fun and they can also win you real money. So, today we will cover a number of PayPal games that allow users to win money instantly. These are legit money making apps that make payments directly to the PayPal account. Registration, playing games, there are no costs for the gamer. How to earn money on Gamee? You probably wonder how to earn money on Gamee? Prizes distribution works based on a tickets system. It works a bit like a lottery. But instead of having to purchase those tickets, you must play games, watch ads or refer gamers to collect them. Get Paid to Play Video Games on Twitch. If you’re a gamer, you can try to develop a following on Twitch, and you can monetize using Patreon. Donate Blood Plasma for Money. This is legit a thing, y’all. My husband and I earned $800 per month extra donating blood plasma at Octapharma Plasma a few hours per week for a while. This is a great.

  1. Games With Money Earn
  2. Earn Money By Playing Games Paypal Legit
  3. Free Games To Earn Money
  4. What Games Pay You Real Money
  5. Earn Money From Online Games

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. We may receive a commission when you click on them, but this is at no extra cost to you. Read our privacy policy for more information.

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This post is going to cover a full review of Gamekit – a controversial website which promises users the chance to earn gift cards, games, and even prepaid credit cards for simply playing games.

This is about as close as it gets to free money.

You probably have a few questions before you go signing up.

For example, you may be wondering how on earth any business can make a profit by paying people to play games for no apparent reason.

I was too.

Unfortunately, finding answers to these questions online isn’t easy.

In fact, after searching around the internet for an hour, I realized that getting accurate, unbiased information about Gamekit is nearly impossible.

So what did I do?

I signed up to see for myself first-hand what this platform was all about.

I’ve also thoroughly researched the company, spoke to other Gamekit users, and generally dug a little deeper, all in the name of putting together this in-depth review and answering all your burning questions such as:

  • What is Gamekit?
  • How does Gamekit work?
  • How does Gamekit make money?
  • Is Gamekit a scam?
  • How much can I earn on Gamekit?

We’ll also be talking about the different ways to earn points on Gamekit and the different rewards you can get.

There’s a lot to cover in our Gamekit review, so let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  • Is Gamekit a Scam?
    • The Good
    • The Bad
  • How Much Can I Earn on Gamekit?
  • Ways to Earn Points
  • Rewards & Giveaways

What is Gamekit?

Gamekit is an online platform, available in 15 countries, which connects gamers with gaming brands looking to reach new audiences.

They do this by rewarding points to gamers for playing games and completing other small tasks.

These points can then be exchanged for rewards or used in giveaway contests.

For the gamer, this point-based reward system provides an incentive for them to try new games and complete tasks, which drives traffic towards a game or website from an audience of gamers.

In this respect, Gamekit functions as a kind of marketing service provider for its clients.

Gamekit delivers traffic to its advertisers and is paid accordingly; users get a share of these profits via rewards, at least in theory.

There’s a little more to it than that, but we’ll go into more detail later. For now, let’s look at how it works.

How It Works

Once a user has signed up to Gamekit, they can start earning points right away.

The user just needs to navigate to the ‘earn points’ page, and choose from one of the many options for earning points (we’ll talk about what these options are later).

They’ll then be shown a screen which tells them the different steps they have to take to complete the offer and earn points.

Sometimes, they’ll need to provide evidence of completion of a task or quest, such as by taking a screenshot which shows their progress.

Once they’ve completed the task, they’ll be rewarded with a set amount of PTS (points) and EXP. The PTS are the good stuff – you can exchange them for rewards on the ‘rewards’ page (again, we’ll talk about what these rewards are later).

The EXP helps to ‘level up’ your account.

This is a cute feature that is basically there to force you to complete more tasks by restricting your eligibility for certain rewards based on your level.

Even if you have enough PTS for a reward, you can’t always get it unless you’ve reached the required level.

There’s a lot of controversy around this particular feature, as some users feel it’s there to prevent you from ever redeeming your PTS, which brings us nicely on to our next section…

Is Gamekit a Scam?

This is probably the most important question in this whole review, so I’ll cut to the chase.

The answer is both yes and no. Gamekit doesn’t seem to be an outright scam, but it’s about as close as it can get to being one without actually being one.

Let’s break it down into the good and the bad, so that you can see how I arrived at that conclusion and maybe draw your own.

The Good

There are three aspects of Gamekit which show us that they’re not a total scam. These are:

1. They have a high Trustpilot score

Gamekit has a Trustpilot score of 8.4. A fact they seem very proud of, having plastered it all over their website, which suggests they might be trying just a little bit too hard to prove legitimacy.

Nonetheless, Trustpilot is a leading review site, and a high score here should go some way towards proving they’re not a scam.

However, it’s worth remembering that it’s possible for companies to manipulate review scores, and some believe TrustPilot is particularly susceptible to this. There’s an insightful article on the topic here if you’re interested.

2. They do actually give out rewards – SOMETIMES.

Suspecting Gamekit of being a scam, I put them to the test. I decided I’d try to earn the ‘random premium steam key’ advertised on their website. It took a while – probably a few hours – but I eventually gained enough points to grab it.

I was surprised to find they actually delivered on their promise. However, the word ‘premium’ was misleading. The game I was awarded was a cheap, low-quality puzzle game – definitely not worth the time I invested into earning the points.

Also, whilst this worked for me, a lot of people don’t receive the games they redeem their points for, and Gamekit’s own terms and conditions reserve the right to refuse to deliver on anything, so take my experience with a pinch of salt!

3. They have SOME genuinely positive reviews

It can be difficult to sort the genuine reviews from the fake ones, but I can say with some certainty that at least some of the positive reviews out there are real. You can usually tell as they’re brutally honest about the bad side as well as the good.

Redditors are notoriously hard to deceive, so it’s worth checking the Reddit forums for the most honest reviews.

All that being said, don’t go clicking away to sign up just yet – there are a more than a few catches that you need to be aware of.

The Bad

Here’s where we get into the ‘scammy’ side of things. Unfortunately, there are more bad points than there are good when it comes to Gamekit. They have a lot of business practices that are dubious at best, and outright illegal at worst.

Here are some reasons that might make you want to avoid Gamekit:

4. Duplicate Games

A lot of users of Gamekit claim to have received duplicate games when purchasing ‘random’ steam keys. Gamekit acknowledges this and states on their website ‘we’re not refunding duplicated games’.

This seems fair until you consider the fact that, if the steam keys were truly ‘random’, the odds of getting a duplicate would be astronomically low. You’d have to be incredibly unlucky to get the same key twice, considering the sheer number of games in the Steam library.

The amount of people that get duplicates despite this suggests that the steam keys aren’t fully ‘random’, but are from a limited catalog of (probably cheap and unpopular) games. This YouTube video does a better job of explaining this than I can over text alone, so check that out if you’re interested.

5. Unfair and Illegitimate Bans

Worryingly, many users claim that they were banned from the system upon trying to redeem PTS for high-value rewards of $20 or more. The sheer number of reviews – like this one, this one, and this one – complaining about the same thing suggests this is no accident.

Gamekit get around this by imposing unbalanced terms and conditions which essentially allow them to ban you for the most minor reasons – such as logging on from two different IP addresses.

They can legally use this to ban you for any reason, even if their real motive is to stop you from claiming your rewards, but that doesn’t make it any less wrong.

6. Misleading Information

Their whole business model is structured around misleading their users. They market themselves as offering gamers the chance to get ‘free money’ but, in reality, this would never work as a business model. Gamers are essentially earning very low amounts of money for clicking ads.

Other examples of misleading their users include promising ‘premium games’, not being specific about the requirements of certain offers up front, and conveniently missing out important information about eligibility requirements for rewards.

7. Changing Goalposts & Unprofessional Support

Another red flag is the way in which Gamekit frequently change the eligibility requirements for rewards.

For example, this review talks about how the user was unable to receive the prize he had won as Gamekit changed the level requirements for redemption.

Conveniently, this happened as soon as the user had reached the previously required level. In other words, Gamekit are essentially moving the goalposts in order to stop users claiming their prizes.

Even more worrying is how the support staff responds to this review, claiming that the user will have to just have to put up with it and that “this is how things work here”.

The same staff member threatened “I suggest you to chill, otherwise we may take measures against your behavior since you are making useless bad publicity about our site.”

This highlights how Gamekit are actively trying to silence the bad reviews about them, even going as far as to threaten their customers. If that’s not a red flag, then I don’t know what is.

8. The value of the rewards aren’t worth the effort

If you do manage to actually redeem your PTS for a reward, it’s unlikely that the reward will be worth your time and effort, as the value of prizes is incredibly low considering the amount of PTS required.

If you’re still interested in trying out Gamekit at this point, there will probably be nothing else that will deter you from here on out. Now let’s talk money.

How Much Can I Earn on Gamekit?

Gamekit is unlike many of the other apps that we talk about on Frugal for Less in that it’s not so much about making money as it is about saving money.

You’re not paid for your efforts in cash, you’re paid in games and gift cards. The closest you can get to real cash is their prepaid Mastercard credit card.

However, being frugal means cutting down on costs where you can, and games cost money. Therefore, if you can get games that you would have been willing to pay for free, you’re saving yourself money.

But for the sake of this question, let’s assume that saving money is the same as earning money.

After all, those games and gift cards do have a cash value, so it kind of is.

Now we can try to work out how much we can earn per hour.

We’re fortunate in the fact that Gamekit gives us a clue as to how much we can earn on their website by providing us with some helpful statistics.

According to their website, there are currently 15 million registered users on Gamekit, with 7 million visits per month. The combined total value of the rewards earned by these users is $2.2 million.

Breaking Down The Numbers

Sounds great right? But wait – let’s break those numbers down a little further.

Games With Money Earn

15 million users have earned $2.2 million in rewards to date, which means we can work out how much each user has earned each, on average, by doing the total reward value by the total amount of users.

We’ve done the math and that works out at just under $0.14 each – not much in most people’s books.

Of course, this assumes that each of their registered users has earned an equal share, which is probably not true, so let’s look at it on an individual basis.

There are lots of ways to earn points, and most people choose to earn them by completing quests on games, but let’s assume for this example that you choose to complete surveys, as it’s the easiest way to calculate earnings over time.

Currently, on Gamekit, there are several surveys that the site estimates will take 18 minutes complete, each of which rewards the user with 174 PTS.

If you were to complete surveys like this back to back, with no breaks in between, you’d earn around 580 PTS each hour.

A €10 ($11.50) steam gift card costs 5,699 PTS, and a €10 prepaid Mastercard costs 6,199 PTS. Therefore, it would take you nearly 10 hours to earn enough PTS for the steam card, and even more for the Mastercard.

Even if we assume the steam gift card has an equivalent cash value of €10, that still means you’d be earning around $1 per hour or less.

With that in mind, if you’re just doing it for the money, it probably isn’t worth it. You can earn 10 times that amount for very little effort on sites like Cambly.

It won’t really work as a part-time income but, if you like to play games, and you’d be playing them anyway, it might still have some worth as you can at least monetize your hobby.

Ways to Earn Points

Remember how we mentioned there were lots of different options for ways to earn points? Well, let’s explore what those options are.

Here are the different ways you can get points on Gamekit:

  • Play games
  • Take quizzes
  • Rate photos
  • Offerwalls
  • Complete surveys
  • Invite your friends (referrals)
  • Watch trailers
  • Buy points

Of these, playing games to earn points seems to be the most popular choice, which makes sense as Gamekit market themselves directly to gamers.

If it wasn’t for the gaming angle, they’d just be a paid-to-click platform like any other.

However, just because playing games is the most popular choice, it doesn’t mean it’s the best way to earn points.

The quickest and easiest way would probably be to complete surveys but, if you want to go down this route, you’re probably better off using a survey site that pays a little more. We’ve written about those here.

How To Earn Points By Playing Games

If you’d prefer to earn points by playing games, here’s how you go about it:

  1. Click on the “Get PTS” tab in the horizontal menu
  2. Select the game you want to play
  3. Register in the game by choosing a nickname and inputting your email address.
  4. Enter your nickname in the game on Gamekit to see your first quest.
  5. Complete your quest in-game within the allotted time.
  6. Take a screenshot which proves you’ve completed the quest and upload it to Gamekit.

The quests can vary but they usually require you to reach a certain level or another milestone within the game.

Rewards & Giveaways

Earn Money By Playing Games Paypal Legit

Now we’ve covered how you acquire PTS, let’s talk about how to redeem them.

There are two ways to redeem points: rewards and competitions.

Competitions are essentially a gambling option – they require a low amount of PTS to enter and offer better prizes, but you’re not guaranteed to win anything.

Your odds of winning can be anything from around 1-in-5 to 1-in-200, and competitions with expensive or popular prizes, like Player Unknown Battlegrounds and high-value steam cards, tend to offer the worse odds.

With rewards, you simply choose the prize you want to redeem your PTS against and it should be delivered to you within a few days.

Most Popular Cash Out Options

There are a lot of options to choose from, but here are some of the most popular:

  • 1 random premium Steam key
  • 5-10 random Steam keys
  • Random $2-$50 Steam gift card
  • Various Games (Rocket League, PUBG, Counter-Strike, etc.)
  • Game cosmetics or add-ons
  • Blizzard Points
  • $20 Paysafecard
  • Gaming keyboards
  • PSN cards
  • Donations to charity
  • Prepaid Mastercards

To actually redeem your PTS, you just need to click the ‘Exchange Points’ tab on the horizontal bar at the top, and then make your selection.

It’s worth mentioning that you’ll need to receive a text to actually get your prize, which requires you to input a mobile phone number.

A lot of users don’t want to give out this information so, if this is you, don’t waste any of your time earning PTS as you won’t be able to redeem them.

How to Join Gamekit

If you’re still interested in trying out Gamekit for yourself, you can sign up via their website here.

The whole signing up process shouldn’t take longer than a couple of minutes – it’s really easy. You just put in your email address and choose a password, and you’re good to go!

You can also choose to register through your Facebook, Google, or your Steam account if you’d prefer.

Once you’re on the site, a quick tutorial will commence, which you can complete to net yourself a few easy PTS. You can also verify your email address to get a few more too.

Apps Similar to Gamekit

If Gamekit sounds a little bit too close to scam-territory for you, there are plenty of other, more legitimate alternative apps you can use to make money. Here are my top suggestions:

  • For more apps that pay you to play games, check out our post here, where we list 11 of the best options.
  • For survey sites that pay much more than Gamekit, try Survey Junkie or Zap Surveys.
  • For even more earning potential, consider trying a website like Camblyinstead, which pays you to chat.

Wrapping Up

That about covers it!

In conclusion, I can’t give my stamp of approval to Gamekit as it misleads its users a little too much and the reward-to-time ratio is just too unbalanced.

It might be worth looking into anyway if you’re an avid gamer – just be careful, and don’t invest too much time and effort into it.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this Gamekit review. If you have anything else you’d like to add, let us know in the comments below!

How much time will you spend a week on entertainment/relaxation? 4-5 hours?

I guess most of us would like to relax by watching your favorite movies/TV shows, visiting a nearby shopping mall, playing video games on your Xbox or PlayStation etc.

Of course, playing games is the best option to relieve the stress for working professionals. Because it helps them to relax a bit after a tight work schedule of 8 hours/day for 5 days a week.

Now, let me ask you something.

Besides killing their free time, does playing games offer any kind of benefits to teens, college students or stay at home moms? Partially, Yes. How?

There are some mobile apps that actually pay the users to play/test their games for free. Yes. It’s really true and I’m not kidding. Let’s not worry about why should the game apps pay you to download, install and play their games.

Here Is the List Of Legit Apps That Pay To Play Games – (iOS/Android):

Definitely, this money making apps will not make you rich or help you to make $100-$500 per month. Instead, it rewards a few cents or dollars to do things you like.

1. InboxDollars

Many of you might have heard about InboxDollars as a paid survey site that rewards its members for taking surveys. However, it has a dedicated games section with some of the popular games like Solitaire, Bejeweled and more.

The reward varies based on the time spent in playing the games on the InboxDollarswebsite or app.

More time, More Money!

(Suggested Read:11 Ways To Make More Money From InboxDollars )

2. Swagbucks

You can find a lot of game apps from the Discover section of the Swagbuckswebsite and mobile app. And, you can easily earn SB to download and install those gaming apps.

Besides installing the game apps, you can earn easy SB for your various activities like searching the web, shopping products/services, watching videos and more.

( Also Read:15 Easy Ways To Make More Money From Swagbucks )

3. Swag IQ

Swag IQ is a live trivia game show where you can win huge cash prizes for answering 10 multiple choice questions correctly. You will get only 10 seconds to answer a question. If more than one person has answered all the questions correctly, then the prize money will be shared between the members.

The app is launched by the same company which owns Swagbucks. Swag IQ is available for both iOS and Android platforms.

4. Lucktastic

Do you believe in luck? Then, you can try this game. As per the name, Lucktastic allows the users to win cash/prizes by playing scratch cards. And, the scratch cards are valid only for a limited interval of time and it expires after that. You will get new scratch cards every day to try out your luck.

If you scratch reveals 3 identical symbols, then you will be considered as a winner. And, you will get either cash prize or tokens (can be used to redeem instant rewards or to enter contests). You can receive the cash via the Dwolla mobile wallet, check or gift cards.

App Link:iOS, Android

5. Bananatic

Are you some who is interested to explore and try new games? Then, you can check out the Bananatic app as it regularly adds new and interesting games. It is available for both iOSand Androidplatforms.

As you progress to the next level or achieve a milestone in your game, you will be rewarded with a few points for your efforts. And, you can redeem that points either to make purchases within the app or exchange them for gift cards from various retailers.

6. Gamehag

Gamehag rewards the users with points called Soul Gems (SG) to either play the games integrated to its platform or for downloading and playing the listed games. Besides games, you can earn SG to complete offers, watch app trailers or take surveys. It rewards the top 3 players every day with 1000, 500 and 300 respectively. It has an active forum where you can discuss with fellow users about the games, rewards and more.

Once you accumulate the minimum SG, you can spend them on buying games or add to your Steam Wallet.

Free Games To Earn Money

Gamehag is available on both iOS and Android platforms.

7. Paid Game Player

Paid Game Player is not a mobile app. Instead, it is a website that pays you to play games for free. It claims that you can make free money by playing more than 600 games (casino, puzzle, poker etc) which are available on its database.

Plus, you can also make a few dollars to review the games. Just you need to create a free account on their website and start playing games for money.

Would you like to get small rewards for your daily walk? Read my other poston Best Apps That Pays To Walk in 2019.

8. Tap Cash Rewards

Basically, Tap Cash Rewards is an Androidapp that pays to play games, watch videos, install mobile apps and more. Also, you can earn coins if someone downloads the app using your referral code.

Plus, you will get a few coins for daily login as well. You can request the payout by PayPal or convert the coins to gift cards once your balance reaches $10.

9. WowApp

WowAppprovides a lot of options to make money like watching videos, reading news, chat, taking surveys, making phone calls at lower rates and more. It claims that it is sharing 70% of its revenue with its members.

Besides the above-listed ways, you can also earn wowcoins (100 wowcoins = $1) by playing a lot of games which are integrated into the app itself. Once you reach the minimum balance, you can redeem the wowcoins to cash via PayPal, Bank account or exchange them to gift cards. The minimum payout is $1.

10. Grab Points

There is no separate games section on the Grab Points. However, you can easily earn a few points by downloading and installing the game apps which are available in the offers section.

Grab Points is available in both web and mobile versions. Besides games, you can make money from Grab Points by watching videos, taking surveys, completing offers and more. The minimum payout is $3 (3000 points).

(Recommended Read:GrabPoints Review: Tips and Tricks to Earn More Points )

11. FitPlay

FitPlayis exactly like the AppLike as both the apps are released by the same company. I don’t find any difference between the two except the theme.

Like the AppLike Android app, FitPlay also rewards the users with coins to play mobile games for the specified duration of time. Plus, you will get 4444 coins as a bonus when you sign up for the first time.

12. App Flame

Like FitPlay and AppLike, App Flame also rewards you to download and play the games every day. And, will be credited with coins for playing every 10 minutes or so. Based on your location and age, the games will vary.

The minimum payout is $0.5 (4999 coins) via PayPal. Since the App Flame offers a signup bonus of 4444 coins, you can get your first payout quickly.

13. AppStation

AppStation works exactly like AppFlame and rewards the users to install and play games on their smartphones. Like all the other apps, it also offers a sign-up bonus of 4444 coins.

You can earn more coins by spending more time playing the games. Once you reach the minimum balance, you can convert the coins to cash via PayPal.

14. AppKarma

What Games Pay You Real Money

>AppKarma rewards the users with points called Karma Points for doing various activities like watching videos, playing games, installing apps and more. It also offers a daily check-in bonus for just opening the app daily.

The points can be redeemed via PayPal or Steam once the user reaches the minimum points balance.

(Also Read: 11 Apps That Pays You To Walk in 2019)

15. iCash

iCash pays “iCash coins” to play the games listed on the app. And, you can earn additional coins by downloading and playing the games on your phone. You can try our luck and earn more coins from the daily Lucky Spin as well. Besides games, you can also earn iCash coins by completing offers from Fyber, Tapjoy and more. Even though you cannot make a hundred dollars from this app, you should be able to make $5 to $10 every month.

Once your balance reaches the minimum payout, you can redeem that by converting to cash via PayPal or gift cards like Amazon, iTunes, Xbox Live and more.

Update on 02/22/2019: The app is not paying the rewards.

16. AppLike

Have you ever played the game CoinMaster? It is one of my favorites and the most addictive mobile game I have ever played. Every time you play that game for 15-20 minutes, you will be rewarded with coins which can be redeemed once you reach the minimum payout (4999 coins = $0.50).

Not only CoinMaster, you can find a lot of games like Solitaire, Wordcookies etc which are integrated with AppLike. To receive the rewards, you need to install and play the individual game from the AppLike app.

The minimum payout is $0.50 for PayPal and $2.5 for Amazon gift card. For all other gift cards, you need 47065 coins ($5).

Update 02/22/2019: This app has been removed from the Google Play Store.

17. WHAFF Rewards

Basically, WHAFF Rewards pays you to download, install and open the mobile apps. At least 30-40% of those apps are game apps so that you can make a few cents by playing those games.

Most of the games will pay you $0.005 to $0.01 daily (for at least 7-30 days) to play the game for at least 2-5 minutes. You can request the payment once your balance reaches $11.

(Also read:WHAFF Rewards: How Much Will You Get to Install Mobile Apps?)

Update 02/22/2019: Even though the app is listed on the Play Store, its official website has gone offline. Hence, it is not known, if the app still pays.

Become A Game Tester To Make Money Playing Games

Are you looking for a stable source of income for playing games? Then, the best option would be to become a game tester and make money to play and test games. PlayTestCloud is a website that rewards the users to test and share their voice-based feedback of mobile-based games.

Earn Money From Online Games

To become a tester with PlayTestCloud, create a free account on their website, take the sample test where you need to install and play the game sent to your email. After you pass the qualification test, you will be sent invitations to test games.

You can earn up to $10 to test the game and for providing your feedback. The payments will be sent via PayPal.

Want to Make More Money with your mobile phone? Read my other post on 50+ Best Money Making Apps in 2019.


Definitely, you are not going to become a millionaire by installing and using the above apps that pay to play games. However, you will be rewarded with a small amount to spend your valuable time on playing games.


Plus, it will also motivate the game lovers to improve their gaming skills and take part in competitions or giveaways to win prizes.

For teens, stay at home moms and college students, these apps will give extra cash or pocket money every month.

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